شحن سريع ومجاني

Software update from System Recovery Utility is applied to the following STB models: MAG256, MAG3xx, MAG4xx.

Software update from System Recovery Utility is intended to install only Public versions of software (Publicimage) in STB. Updating to other software versions (Factory, Custom, Operator image) is carried out from Portal ( HTTP , USB ).

This section describes the following variants of update from the System Recovery Utility menu:

Using USB - software update by USB. The update file ( imageupdate ) is loaded to STB from a USB drive connected to STB. Description - below .
Using multicast - software update by Multicast broadcasting. The update file ( imageupdate ) is loaded to STB from the multicast group. PC is used for multicasting. Description - below .

File of Update

To update STB software from the System Recovery Utility menu, one file is used - imageupdate which contains a Public image of STB software created on the basis of a specific STB software release .
Public image from the Manufacturer is included with each STB release . For example, if you want to install M anufacturer's Public image for STB MAG322 from release 2.20.07r2, you need first to download the next imageupdate file: http://soft.infomir.com/mag322/release/2.20.07r2/imageupdate Customers (Operators) are also provided with the Instructions for building their own versions of Public image based on a particular release .

Update from System Recovery Utility by USB

Update procedure

At PC (USB drive preparing)

1. Make sure that your USB drive meets the requirements .
2. Download the required imageupdate file .
3. Create directory mag<model> in the root of the USB drive and write the imageupdate file into this directory . Example for MAG322, directory name - mag322

Image Documentation

At STB (update launch)

1. Insert the prepared USB drive in an STB slot. You can use any of the USB connectors of STB.
2. Bring up the System Recovery Utility menu.
3. Select Upgrade tools Upgrade Software Using USB Yes.
4. Info about software update status is being displayed at the bottom of the screen.
5. Wait until the update process is completed. After completing the update, STB automatically reboots.
Note. Do not turn off STB and plug off USB drive until the end of the update.

  Video example. USB upgrade from Recovery menu. MAG322

USB drive requirements and troubleshooting

Requirements to USB drive

The USB drive that is intended to perform an STB software update must comply with the next requirements:

  1. FAT32 file system format.
  2. If there is more than one partition on the USB drive, it should use the first one.

Troubleshooting of update from System Recovery by USB

'Update by USB' failures , as a rule, pertain with: 1) imageupdate file not found or can not be read from the USB drive; 2) incorrect software version in the imageupdate file.
The failure reason is being described in a message displayed on the TV screen:

1.  'File imageupdate not found':

  • Recheck the folder name and the update file. The folder name and the  imageupdate  file must contain only small letters (lowercase). They should not contain characters added: examples of the wrong names are mag_322, Imageupdate, imageupdate(1), and so on.
  • Check extension of the imageupdate file - set Show extension view mode of the folder. Files should not have extensions (like txt, etc.).
  • There might be an issue of access to file on this USB drive (especially if this USB drive was used as a boot disk or was handled by a utility like "Partition", etc.).

    • Format USB drive (set the requirements ) and repeat updating procedure;
    • Use a partition utility and make the only one partition on USB flash drive (for instance, use   diskpart  utility of OS Windows 10);
    • There may be a problem with the USB drive - try to use a different USB drive.

2. 'Wrong signature', 'Unsupported architecture' - Probably, you use not appropriate type of image.

  • Make sure that the  imageupdate  file matches your STB model.
  • If you are not sure about the source of the imageupdate  file, re-download it (factory image - from factory software update server , custom image - from operator's update server), replace the file on the USB drive and then try updating again.
  • Check up the image type: from System Recovery Utility , you may install Public image only .

Update from System Recovery Utility by Multicast

Update method 'Using Multicast' implies that update file ( imageupdate ) is delivered from server to STB by multicast. As a server is a PC with multicast utility installed.
Two options of Multicast utility are provided:

Update procedure with Mcast utility is discribed below.

Streaming server preparation

In order to provide IGMP and multicast barrierless traffic flow, server and STBs must be within the same broadcast domain (one LAN segment or several bridged LAN segments).
At home, it is usually sufficient to use direct cable network connection between STB and PC, or both devices (STB and PC) must be connected to the same switch/router (use cable connection for both devices).
Mcast utility must be downloaded ( download zip-archive ) to PC and unzipped.
Update file ( imageupdate ) must be downloaded to PC from the required source .

Update procedure

At server side (launch multicast streaming):

1. Run mcast_v2.0.exe ;
2. In the opened QueryUserForNetworkInterface window, specify a network interface to be multicasting;
3. Start file streaming with mcast  utility:

  • You should stream only one file:  imageupdate (stream #2) . I n main application window Multicast file streamer v2.0 specify the following settings for stream #2:
    • IP-address, port - multicast address coressponding to your STB model.

    • File name - imageupdate file location at PC ;

  • Start multicasting with Start/Stop button for stream #2 .

    Note. Stop multicasting with the Stop button after update completing. Or close Mcast  utility application.

  Start streaming imageupdate file for MAG322

Image Documentation

Image Documentation

Image Documentation

At STB side (update activation)

1.  Open System Recovery Utility menu ;
2. Select Upgrade tools Upgrade SoftwareUsing multicast Yes.
3. STB starts multicast update and you can see info message at the TV screen. Info message indicates IP address and port from which STB expects receiving the data flow.
4. At the bottom of the TV screen, you can see the progress bar moving that informs about receiving the data. If it does not move - see Possible problems .
5. After successful receiving and checking up the image (look after the update process info on the TV screen), the updated software will be run on STB from one of the NAND memory banks.

Multicast address

Multicast address has format: <IP address>:<Port>.

To correctly receive streamed file ( imageupdate ) in STB, it is necessary to ensure that multicast addresses match on both sides: at server side (in Mcast utility) and in STB.
In Mcast utility the value of multicast address at which file should be transmitted is set in IP-address, port option for Stream 2 (imageupdate) .
At STB side the value of the multicast address from which STB is waiting for the file to be received is specified in the settings. Each STB model is assigned, during production, a specific
default multicast address . If necessary, the value of the default multicast address can be changed in STB settings .

After the start of Using Multicast update in STB, the value of the multicast address is displayed on the TV screen. This address demonstrates where STB is waiting for file receiving. Using this value, you can check if multicast addresses on both sides (in Mcast utility and STB) match each other. In case of mismatch, you should change it on one of the side (a more simple way is to make a change in Mcast utility).

Multicast address assigned in STB by default

Multicast stream address 'by default' is assigned to STB at the factory. Below are the multicast address 'by default' for different STB models.

STB model Multicast address 'by default'
MAG322, MAG324

Multicast address changing in STB

Multicast address 'by default' assigned at the factory can be changed by System settings of the Embedded portal ( System settingsServersMore , Update URL option). The value format is: igmp://<IP address>:<port>
For example:
igmp: // 9001
The range of valid values of <IP address> is specified in RFC 5771. For example, you may use next address range: -

<Port> parameter defines TCP/IP port. The value of this parameter can be taken from the range of 1024 - 65535.

How to checkup multicast address

The user can compare the multicast address value that configured in STB and in Mcast utility.
A multicast address configured in STB is displayed on the TV screen during the update . It appears in the info message at the bottom of the screen after Multicast update is started. In case addresses (set in Mcast utility and displayed on the screen) mismatch , the user should change address value in Mcast utility and restart file streaming.

Example of the info message for MAG322:

  1. Starting update from multicast . Starting network . Receive is started
  2. Receive from 224.50 . 0.211 : 9001 is started

Possible problems during updating   using Multicast

  • Check up and set the appropriate Ethernet interface in  Mcast  utility. At difficulty of this, contact for help to network/system administrator.
  • If PC and STB are connected through external network equipment it is necessary to make sure that no barrier exists on the way of multicast and IGMP traffic in used network;
  • Check up PC (server) local network settings. Network filters, anti-virus soft as well as another soft can influence transfer multicast traffic;
  • Connect your STB directly to PC over Ethernet cable;
  • Try to reduce the data rate ( D atarate option in Mcast utility) for  imageupdate  stream to 500 000 bytes/s and start the update process from the beginning.

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